Alexander Karim was surprised by the question of leading the gala.
I thought they dialed the wrong number. I have no special knowledge of the music industry and immediately felt that I couldn't take on such a prestigious task, he says.
After some consideration, he changed his mind. The idea of bringing together a somewhat fragmented cultural industry got him to say yes. Alexander Karim sees musicians, filmmakers, actors, and artists as one large collective.
It's so rare that our industries meet and I think it feels nice to maintain a sense of community among us, he says and continues:
Now more than ever, in uncertain times, it feels important to stick together and show that we're there for each other.
He's glad to share the hosting duties with Assia Dahir.
Without Assia, I would have been nervous. It feels incredibly secure to have her by my side.
Alexander Karim has followed the gala in previous years and describes his own musical taste as "a real mix" – largely due to having three children of different ages.
Everyone at home likes different genres, so I just go along. It's a wonderful mix from a broad range.
Besides hosting the Grammis gala, Alexander Karim has a lot of other things going on. After a role in Ridley Scott's "Gladiator II", several doors have opened to international productions.
Nothing is entirely clear yet, but there are very exciting offers on the table, he says.
The Grammis gala will be held on March 27 in Annexet in Stockholm. The gala will not be broadcast on TV, but will be live-streamed on Grammis' own YouTube channel.
48 years old. Has participated in the TV series "Tunn is", "We got this", and "Advokaten", as well as in several films about police officer Johan Falk.
Internationally, he has participated in the TV series "The box", "The wheel of time", and "The swarm", as well as in the film "Gladiator II".