One has created an archive based on Afro-Swedes' experiences. The two others have breathed new life into a citizens' house. Now, Jonelle Twum, as well as Sebastian Dahlqvist and Elof Hellström, will receive this year's Dynamostipendier of 150,000 kronor.
Malmö resident Jonelle Twum is the founder and artistic leader of Black Archives Sweden, a contemporary archive dealing with black people's experiences and culture. The jury highlights her "passion and commitment" in her work with the platform.
Sebastian Dahlqvist and Elof Hellström lead the Hägerstensåsen citizens' house in Stockholm. The jury's motivation emphasizes how they "with unusually strong commitment breathe new life into a venerable cultural institution while opening up new opportunities for contemporary art".
The Visual Arts Fund's Dynamostipendier recognize those who have taken their own initiatives to create new arenas within contemporary visual and design art.