Living in Sweden
Johan Pehrson
Johan Pehrson is party leader for the Liberal Party in Sweden.
Liberals Push for Stronger State in New Vision Program
The Liberals are practicing self-criticism in a new vision program for the party. Now the freedom party will drive for a stronger state in several areas.
Liberals Push for Ban on Foreign Ownership of Swedish Private Schools
The Liberals want foreign ownership in Swedish private schools to be completely prohibited – with a stop also for owners in other EU countries. .
Sweden Allocates 300 Million Kronor to Boost School Safety Measures
Before the autumn term, the government wants to strengthen school safety. Among other things, schools will be given legal opportunity to search students' bags.
Teachers' Unions Demand Compensation for Cancelled Tests
The National Agency for Education has cancelled the digital national tests this spring. Now, the Swedish Association of School Principals and the Swedish Teachers' Union want the government to "immediately" allocate extra resources for the additional costs this entails.
Iran has summoned Sweden's ambassador
Iran's Foreign Ministry has summoned Sweden's ambassador to the country. State-run Iranian media report that this has been done in protest against what is considered inappropriate statements by Education Minister Johan Pehrson (The Liberals).
Sweden's Plan to Combat Youth Crime: New Training for Social Workers
All future social workers should be trained in youth criminality. This is acute, says Education Minister Johan Pehrson (The Liberals).
The Government's Goal: More Students Proficient in Math
Sweden is to become sharper in natural sciences and technology, and therefore the government is raising the bar. One of the goals is that at least 15 percent of elementary school students should be high-achieving in mathematics.
"Dadgostar: A Tragic End"
"A tragic end", says Nooshi Dadgostar. "Surprised it lasted so long", writes Jimmie Åkesson.
Ukraine receives air defense systems from Sweden
Sweden will donate an air defense system worth 1. 2 billion kronor to Ukraine.
Take Custody of Children of Criminals at Birth
The Liberals want it to be possible for social services to take into care children of gang criminals at maternity wards, writes Svenska Dagbladet. .
So the Government Wants to Stop Child Recruitment
The Government wants to improve the police's ability to remove illegal material from the internet and stop criminals' recruitment of children. This environment harms lives, kills and destroys, says Education Minister Johan Pehrson (The Liberals).
V and MP: The fundamental problem is the market school
The government's investigator wants to scrap the F-grade and see a grading scale with ten steps. The Left Party appreciates the proposals, but believes that the fundamental problem remains.
The Liberals want more residence bans around schools
The Liberals want more people than today to be prohibited from staying near schools. People who recruit children to commit crimes are like hungry wolves, without any form of empathy.
Schools to be given the right to search students' bags
The government wants to give schools the legal opportunity to search bags to detect, for example, weapons. Schools should also ensure that unauthorized persons do not gain access.
Pehrson: My school became a terrifying place
Minister of Education Johan Pehrson (L) describes Tuesday, February 4, as a black day for Sweden and Örebro. "On Tuesday, Campus Risbergska, where I once played blackjack in the corridors, was transformed into a place of horror", he writes on Dagens Nyheter's debate page.
Kristersson: "Most important that the police get peace and quiet"
The Royal Couple and several government representatives traveled on Wednesday to Örebro to honor the victims after Tuesday's violent acts. .
The King: Sorrow and Dismay
King Carl Gustaf states in a statement that he is dismayed by today's events and sends his condolences to the families of the victims, after the fatal shooting in Örebro where around ten people lost their lives. .
Dadgostar wants party leader talks about the violence
The Left Party wants the Prime Minister to invite the other parties to talks about the violence development in Sweden. We have a crisis situation, says the Left leader Nooshi Dadgostar.
More discipline to reduce chaos in schools
The Government is worried about the chaos in school. Now, clearer disciplinary measures are being proposed.
Every third Swede wants to ban Tiktok
34 percent of Swedes want to ban Tiktok. This is shown by a Novus survey, which was conducted on behalf of TV4 News.
Pehrson wants to separate universities from the state
The Government will appoint an inquiry into whether universities and colleges should cease to be state authorities, reports Swedish Radio. Education Minister Johan Pehrson (The Liberals) argues that they should become foundations instead.
Pehrson: Mismanagement in Schools Should be Fined
Education Minister Johan Pehrson (L) wants schools that do not follow the law to be able to receive fines, as a complement to penalty orders. > Schools that do not meet the requirements set out in the Education Act should be able to face a direct consequence in the form of a fine.
Pehrson: We Dare to Prioritize the Best Researchers
The Government wants to increase the allocations by 6. 5 billion kronor until 2028 in its research proposal.
Pehrson: "Positive message with a bitter aftertaste"
Swedish students have improved their results in mathematics according to the knowledge measurement Timss. But the measurement also indicates that the Swedish school has not become better at compensating for students' different social backgrounds.
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