Living in Sweden
Expert on the Land Survey Database: "Sounds like a breach of rules"
Directors-General of government agencies may not conceal vital information from the government – it may in that case be a breach of regulations. This is stated by a professor of administrative law following Expressen's exposé of the National Land Survey's Director-General Susanne Ås Sivborg.
Now winter tires must be in place – here are the new requirements
The winter season is here – from Sunday onwards, winter tires must be on. This year, new requirements apply for studded tire-free tires.
Fewer tankers ran aground
A smaller tanker has run aground in the Stockholm archipelago. There is oil on board, but there are currently no signs that any oil has leaked out, says Jonas Franzén, press spokesperson at the Swedish Maritime Administration.
Setback for Tesla - Supreme Court Rejects Appeal
Tesla will not receive its registration plates directly from the Transport Agency. This is clear when the Supreme Court rejects the company's request to appeal the district court and court of appeal's decision on the blocked registration plates, writes [Labour World](https://www.
Unions secretly issue warnings in Tesla conflict
The cat and mouse game between the unions and Tesla continues. In secret, the trade unions Seko and ST have notified the electric car giant of further postal blockade to prevent Tesla from obtaining registration plates from the Transport Agency, writes LO newspaper Labour.
New requirement for winter tires: The symbol they must have
The winter season is approaching – as is the time to switch to winter tires. From December 1, new requirements for studded-free tires will apply.
More die in traffic during the summer
Despite darkness and worse road conditions during autumn, winter, and spring, there are more fatal accidents on the roads during the summer, reports [SR Traffic Editorial](https://sverigesradio. se/artikel/trots-vinterhalkan-40-procent-fler-dor-i-trafiken-under-sommaren).
The Union Wins Against Tesla in the District Court
The Solna District Court is following the union's line in the protracted dispute over whether Postnord must hand over documents to Tesla. The union imposed a blockade last winter to stop the Transport Agency's dispatch of registration plates to Tesla - this as a show of solidarity with IF Metall's strike against the American electric car giant in order to secure a collective agreement.
Deaths on Sweden's railways increased in 2023
More people died on Swedish railways in 2023 compared to the previous year. Both serious accidents and suicides have increased, according to the Transport Agency.
Expanded Warning Against Tesla
The Trade Union Seko is expanding the postal strike against the electric car giant Tesla. The dispatch of registration plates is to be stopped.
Accidents with A-tractors decrease
The number of A-tractors in Sweden is increasing, but the accidents are decreasing, according to statistics from the Transport Agency. .
The Transport Agency wants to stop driving license tourism
The Transport Agency wants to stop so-called driving license tourism. Today, the authority is forced every year to issue thousands of Swedish driving licenses to individuals who have not taken a driving test in an EEA country.
Damaged Ruby en route to Malta
The damaged cargo ship MV Ruby, with 20,000 tons of ammonium nitrate on board, has been redirected to Malta. This means that it will not enter Swedish waters, says Mikael Andersson, press chief at the Transport Agency.
The County Administrative Board on High Alert – Coordinating in Crisis Situations
A port of refuge along the Swedish coast, protection for humans and the environment may become necessary measures regarding the ship MV Ruby and its potentially explosive cargo. The County Administrative Board in Västra Götaland is regionally coordinating in the event of a crisis situation and is closely monitoring the situation.
Damaged ship with hazardous cargo en route to Sweden
A broken ship with dangerous Russian cargo can approach Sweden's coast and the Baltic Sea. According to the Coast Guard, it is still unclear where the ship will end up.
Proposal: End to Frequent Driving Tests
Two mandatory guidance sessions instead of one and a ban on frequent re-examinations. These are some of the changes that the Transport Agency wants to see for driver education in the future.
Man Acquitted of Drone Flight After Date Error
A man in his 40s is acquitted of suspicion of violating the aviation regulations after flying a drone during the Eurovision Song Contest in Malmö, reports [Sydsvenskan](https://www. sydsvenskan.
Stricter baggage rules at Arlanda again
Now the opportunity to bring large bottles with liquids through the security check at Arlanda Airport's Terminal 5 is being stopped again. Now the rules are back to a maximum of 100 ml per bottle.
Breakthrough - more strikes at Tesla
IF Metall has managed to attract more Tesla workers to its side in the prolonged strike. It's just over half of the employees who are now on strike, says LO union's agreement secretary Simon Petersson.
Authority wants to hire company with Russian ties
The Transport Agency is fighting in court to allow Swedish registration plates to be manufactured by a company with ties to the Russian government leadership, according to DN. .
More people are losing their driver's licenses – this is behind
Nearly 20,000 people lost their driver's license during the first half of 2024. This is an increase of 2.
Drove 246 km/h on the E6 – Fined
A man is convicted of driving 136 kilometers per hour too fast on the motorway. He was caught in the police's speed check on the E6 outside Båstad in early June.
Epa tractors, pizza, and Tiktok attract to home care
The summer staffing is often a challenge. To attract young people to home care, several municipalities have started using new recruitment methods.
Sundsvall leads the way with the most A-tractors
Sundsvall leads the league by a wide margin – where, according to the Transport Agency's latest figures, there are the most registered A-tractors – 1,256 units. .
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