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Fewer Vessel Inspections Increase Concern for Accidents

The industry organization Swedish shipping is concerned that the Transport Agency does not inspect enough foreign vessels, reports P4 Väst.

» Published: January 26 2025

Fewer Vessel Inspections Increase Concern for Accidents
Photo: Fredrik Sandberg/TT

Fewer controls create, among other things, concern for accident risks, according to Svensk Sjöfart's CEO Anders Hermansson.

Either someone dies or the environment is damaged. Or that we simply have a work environment on board the vessel that comes to Sweden that is not okay, he says to the radio channel.

If the vessels that do not comply with the rules are not stopped, it also makes it more difficult for Swedish shipping companies and it becomes a question of competitive conditions, according to Hermansson.

The Transport Agency is finding more and more foreign vessels with such serious deficiencies that they are banned from use in Swedish harbors. Despite this, fewer inspections are being made compared to a few years ago. This is said to be due to personnel shortages and the economy.

It is extremely important that the government ensures that the agency has the resources needed.



By TTThis article has been altered and translated by Sweden Herald
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