Students Call for Better Sex and Consent Education in Swedish Schools
Students are calling for more and better education about sex, consent, and relationships. The School Inspectorate agrees that many schools are falling short.
Stricter Rules Limit New Upper Secondary Schools in Sweden
Most independent principals who have applied to start or expand a upper secondary education have been rejected by the School Inspectorate. The reason is stricter regulations to ensure that the range of programs better matches the labor market's needs, [writes the authority](https://www.
Sweden Faces Challenges in Monitoring Private Preschools
More than every fifth child attends an independent preschool. But not all municipalities have the capacity to scrutinize the independent owners, with a risk that criminal actors may not be detected.
Crisis Intervention: The Schools Inspectorate Takes Over School
The School Inspectorate takes an unusually sharp decision regarding a municipal school. Sjöpark School in Gällivare is deemed to have such serious deficiencies that the School Inspectorate lets its advisors take over and steer the work.
The Government Calls for Crisis Meeting on School
The number of reports of threats and violence in school has increased by 150 percent over the last ten years. Now, Education Minister Lotta Edholm (The Liberals) is calling on authorities, trade unions, and employer organizations to a crisis meeting on safety in school.
Questionable independent schools lose permits
Three independent schools lose the right to operate school activities. The cases have been tried in two courts, but are not taken up in the highest instance.
Pehrson: Mismanagement in Schools Should be Fined
Education Minister Johan Pehrson (L) wants schools that do not follow the law to be able to receive fines, as a complement to penalty orders. > Schools that do not meet the requirements set out in the Education Act should be able to face a direct consequence in the form of a fine.
Requirements: Principals should be trained about NPF
The Social Democrats are presenting several proposals aimed at helping students with diagnoses such as ADHD and autism. The party wants headmasters to be educated to a higher degree about NPF and wants to invest in special research schools.
Parents bring lawyers to school – "Threatening"
In several parts of the country, parents have brought family lawyers when students are called to development talks. The phenomenon is seen in both affluent private schools and municipal schools in disadvantaged areas.
The School Inspectorate has not received fines for five years
In the last five years, the School Inspectorate has not received any fines from schools that they believe have misbehaved, reports Ekot. .
Despite Guarantee of Support, Students Perform Worse
Despite the fact that the youngest students have been guaranteed early support in Swedish and mathematics for several years, the proportion of students receiving support has not increased. Moreover, the results in the national tests have decreased, according to the School Inspectorate.
Växjö stops funding to Muslim school
Växjö municipality has decided to freeze payments to Växjö Islamic school and the preschool owned by the same foundation. The decision was made after an investigation by [Aftonbladet](https://www.
Municipality made a mistake – fired teacher after altercation
The municipality made a mistake when a teacher was forced to leave their position after being involved in a fight with a student, the School Inspectorate has concluded. .
Verdict: Correct decision to revoke school permits
The Security Service's information about links to violence-approving extremism in the leadership of four schools was sufficient to revoke the school permits. This is stated by the Administrative Court of Appeal in a ruling.
Many students are left without extra study time
Junior and senior high school students have a legal right to two hours of extra tuition per week, to receive homework help, catch up on a missed lesson or delve deeper. However, schools are poor at providing all students with this time, as shown by the School Inspectorate's review.
Break the Alarming Trend in School
The Moderate Party wants to profile itself in education policy. One proposal is that student-led development talks should be phased out.
Critiqued Kiruna School Receives Approval
The new Rocket School in Kiruna has received sharp criticism and threats of million fines for teacher shortages and other weaknesses in education. But now the School Inspectorate is concluding its supervision and giving the green light.
The new owners of Thoren Group get approved
The school company Edukatus, which until recently was called Thorengruppen, gets the go-ahead to continue running schools, reports [SVT News](https://www. svt.
Private Schools: Stricter Requirements but No Profit Ban
The Government is planning to tighten the terms for independent schools on several points. An ongoing investigation is now also to propose how state subsidies can be frozen for poorly managed independent schools and how unsuitable individuals can be prevented from owning or influencing an independent school.
Upper secondary school is now being reformed – more students will attend vocational programs
Future high school students across the country can expect tougher competition for places on certain programs. The high school is now being reformed – to get more students to attend vocational programs.
Guaranteed Support to Pupils No Guarantee
Pupils in preschool class and lower elementary school have a guaranteed right to extra support if needed to learn to read, write, and count on time. However, [The School Inspectorate](https://skolinspektionen.
Sloppiness with grades – many education providers are deficient
16 out of 20 education providers, such as folk high schools and Komvux, are deficient in their work. This is shown by a new report from the School Inspectorate.
Students must attend prayer - school criticized
Students at a Catholic school in Lund have mandatory attendance at prayer. This is now being criticized by the School Inspectorate, reports [Sydsvenskan](https://www.
"Questionable independent schools allowed to retain permits"
Earlier this year, the Schools Inspectorate withdrew the permits for three independent schools in the Arena Group. The reason was that individuals deemed unsuitable by the Security Service were allowed to work close to the pupils.
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