SBAB bank
SBAB Increases Fixed-Rate Mortgage Interest by 0.10 Points
The state-owned bank SBAB is raising the interest rates on its fixed-rate mortgages. The list rates on loans with a binding period of 1-10 years are being increased by 0.
Young Adults Find More Opportunities in Sweden's Housing Market
Young people now have it somewhat easier to enter the housing market, according to the state-owned bank SBAB's survey. However, for a 27-year-old man, there are still several alternatives than for a same-aged woman.
Another Major Bank Raises Mortgage Interest Rates
Swedbank is raising its mortgage rates on loans with longer binding periods. The bank is raising the so-called list rates, where loans with a two-year binding period are increased by 0.
SBAB: The Central Bank lowers the interest rate after the summer
Despite rising inflation – state-owned SBAB still believes in another interest rate cut this year. The forecast is, however, that it will come first in September.
Mortgage lenders raise interest rates
Handelsbanken, one of the largest lenders on the Swedish mortgage market, is the next actor to raise its mortgage rates on loans with longer binding periods. For loans with a three-year binding period, Handelsbanken is raising the rate by 0.
Major Bank Raises Mortgage Interest Rates
The Danske Bank is raising the list rates on mortgages with interest rate binding periods between one and ten years, according to the bank's website. The one-year rate is being raised, for example, by 0.
More banks raise variable mortgage rates
The state-owned bank SBAB was the first to raise the variable mortgage rates on Thursday – now Länsförsäkringar is following in the same tracks. Länsförsäkringar is raising its variable mortgage rate by 0.
SBAB First to Raise Variable Mortgage Rate
The state-owned bank SBAB is the first to raise the variable mortgage interest rates. .
This is how much the mortgage rate fell in February
The variable mortgage rates continued to fall in February, according to statistics showing what households actually pay for their home loans. .
Still no price increase on the housing market
The price development on the housing market is still slow, show new figures from Booli. And despite the falling interest rates, it is still a good bit away from the peak levels of three years ago.
SBAB: No Interest Rate Cut Until August
Don't count on any interest rate cut until after the summer. This is indicated by state-owned SBAB in a new market forecast.
The Government Will Not Sell More State-Owned Companies
The Government will not sell any more state-owned companies before the parliamentary election in 2026, according to Finance Minister Elisabeth Svantesson (The Moderate Party). .
Economist: Don't Count on Lower Mortgage Interest Rates
Rising inflation and no interest rate cuts in sight from the Central Bank – what does it mean for your mortgage rate going forward? Don't count on interest rates going down much more, says Robert Boije, chief economist at SBAB. .
SBAB gains market shares on the mortgage market
The state-owned bank SBAB is taking market shares on the mortgage market. In connection with the 2024 year-end report, the bank provides an update on the situation regarding mortgages: "The conditions are challenging with low market growth and high competition regarding mortgages.
Housing prices rose the most in January
Housing prices rose by 2 percent in January in Sweden as a whole. And the price increase was just as large for apartments as for houses.
More banks lower mortgage rates
The state-owned bank SBAB and Handelsbanken are lowering their mortgage rates. SBAB is lowering its variable mortgage rate by 0.
SBAB: Everyone chooses variable mortgage rates
Despite the fact that the differences between fixed and variable mortgage rates were relatively large last year, almost all mortgage borrowers chose variable mortgages. .
Hard to choose mortgage rate: "Unique small differences"
The variable mortgage interest rate bottoms out at just under 3 percent in June, according to a fresh prognosis. And the choice between variable and fixed is now unusually difficult.
Skandia raises fixed mortgage rates
Skandia is raising interest rates on mortgages with binding periods of 2-5 years by 0. 10-0.
Danske Bank raises the interest rate on long-term mortgages
Danske Bank, one of the challengers on the Swedish mortgage market, is raising the interest rate on mortgages with terms of 1-10 years by 0. 15-0.
SBAB raises fixed mortgage interest rates
The state-owned bank SBAB is raising its fixed mortgage rates. The variable interest rate, on the other hand, remains unchanged.
This speaks in favor of rising housing prices this year
After a few shaky years, experts expect housing prices to rise in 2025. But there will be no dramatic changes.
Then it may be time to lock in the mortgage interest rate
By the summer, the costs of mortgages may have decreased significantly. But the uncertainty in the forecasts is great – something that not least the recent years' pandemic and war have shown.
Falling housing prices ended the year
For the fourth month in a row, prices of apartments and houses in Sweden have fallen. But seen over the year as a whole, prices have risen in almost the entire country.
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