Living in Sweden
Sweden Boosts ROT Deduction to Stimulate Economy in May
The ROT deduction is temporarily increased in the government's initiative to boost the economy. The increase accounts for the larger part of a stimulus package totaling 5.
Dadgostar Urges Legislation to Tackle Soaring Food Prices in Sweden
The Left Party's party leader Nooshi Dadgostar says that the government needs to legislate if the food giants do not start lowering their prices. For example, introduce an excess profit tax so that the incentive to raise prices in this way does not exist, says Dadgostar at a demonstration against the food giants.
Poland and the Baltic States want to leave the landmine agreement
Poland and the Baltic countries have announced that they plan to withdraw from the Ottawa treaty, which prohibits the use of landmines, also known as personal and anti-personnel mines. The four EU and NATO countries say in a joint statement that since they signed the agreement, the threat from Russia has increased significantly.
Svantesson: There are 11.5 billion kronor for investments
The Government will submit proposals and reforms equivalent to 11. 5 billion kronor in the spring amending budget, which will be presented simultaneously with the spring budget proposal.
Svantesson: "I see a modern war economy before me"
Minister for Finance Elisabeth Svantesson (The Moderate Party) sees a "modern war economy" ahead of her when the defense is to be strengthened in Europe and Sweden and Ukraine are supported. .
Trade ahead of crisis meeting: No Swedish phenomenon
Representatives of the food industry, who are invited to next week's crisis meeting, believe that they are already doing everything they can – and hope for understanding. It is not a Swedish phenomenon, says Karin Brynell, CEO of Svensk Dagligvaruhandel.
The Moderate Party wants to increase compensation for conscripts
The Government will present a plan forward for the financing of the defense in the spring budget, according to Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson. He also announces that The Moderate Party wants to increase the daily allowance for conscripts – but only as compensation for inflation.
The Government wants civil conscription in healthcare
Already this fall, the National Board of Health and Welfare will submit its analysis of what a civil duty in healthcare could look like in the event of war. .
SD Top Wants to See L in Government in 2026
The Sweden Democrats' Henrik Vinge, chairman of the Riksdag's Justice Committee, wants and believes that The Liberals will sit in government with the Sweden Democrats after the 2026 election. If the Tidö parties receive voters' support again.
Richard Herrey quits as head of cultural center
Richard Herrey is leaving his position as CEO of the municipal company Aurora, which operates the cultural center in Kiruna, reports [NSD](https://www. nsd.
Liberal top politician leaves parliament – joins MSB
The Liberals' member of parliament and member of the defense committee, Anna Starbrink, has been appointed by the government as the new director-general of the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB). Starbrink will take office on February 24.
The Opposition Opens Up to EU Loans for Defense
The Riksdag's opposition parties are open to EU countries being able to borrow for defense buildup. It will entail a tremendous amount of money, but what is the alternative, says Center Party leader Muharrem Demirok.
The Government Will Not Sell More State-Owned Companies
The Government will not sell any more state-owned companies before the parliamentary election in 2026, according to Finance Minister Elisabeth Svantesson (The Moderate Party). .
V and MP: The fundamental problem is the market school
The government's investigator wants to scrap the F-grade and see a grading scale with ten steps. The Left Party appreciates the proposals, but believes that the fundamental problem remains.
The grade F can be scrapped – final exams are introduced
In a few years, students may receive grades on a new ten-point scale, without today's harsh F as failed. Moreover, national tests will have greater weight – the results of special final exams will be included in the final grade.
Environmental Zone in Stockholm Does Not Break the Law
The Administrative Court does not believe that the red-green government's approval of an environmental zone in central Stockholm violates the law. The Court therefore dismisses the appeals that have been made.
Parties open to more money for defence
Sweden's defence budget may need to grow further. Several parties are open to investing more money.
Liberal Profile Switches Party and Leaves Parliament
The Liberal Robert Hannah is leaving both his party and the parliament and is instead joining The Moderate Party, he writes in social media, cited by [Svenska Dagbladet](https://www. svd.
Internal discontent in the SD over stricter gun laws
The internal criticism is growing within the Sweden Democrats after the party leadership has agreed with the government to tighten the gun laws following the mass shooting in Örebro. Heavy SD-representatives call the decision naive and want it to be reconsidered.
After the school shooting – the government tightens gun laws
The Government and the Sweden Democrats want to ban hunters from having semi-automatic weapons of military type, such as AR-15. The suitability testing of individuals who want to have a gun license will also be tightened.
Minister for Migration Forssell: Stricter requirements for citizenship - from day one
The requirements for becoming a Swedish citizen should be tightened. But Minister for Migration Johan Forssell (M) wants to go further than the investigator – and skip transitional rules.
Politician: A Welcome Conflict for Liljestrand
After the speech at the Gothenburg Film Festival, Parisa Liljestrand (M) is "at war" with the film industry. But for her, the conflict is welcome, according to Timbro publisher Andreas Johansson Heinö.
New Parliamentary Ombudsman Complaint about Landerholm
The Green Party is reporting the Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson (M) to the Constitutional Committee. The party wants it to be investigated whether the Prime Minister's friendship with security adviser Henrik Landerholm has influenced the Government Offices not to report him to the police for his carelessness with classified documents.
Lowering the age of criminal responsibility divides the parties
Lower the age of criminal responsibility to 14 years for serious crimes, proposes the government's investigator Gunnel Lindberg. Social development makes it impossible to sit idly by and do nothing, she says.
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