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Unemployed with unemployment insurance to be scrutinized harder

The Employment Service's controls of the unemployed should be strengthened. The system is too lenient today, says Minister for Employment Mats Persson (The Liberals).

» Published: March 06 2025 at 13:09

Unemployed with unemployment insurance to be scrutinized harder
Photo: Axel Narving/TT

To avoid missing out on compensation from the unemployment insurance, job seekers must to a greater extent expand their search areas, both professionally and geographically. Furthermore, the Employment Service's controls will increase, according to a government decision now being presented.

There is a passivity that makes people get stuck in long-term benefit dependency and are not as active in their job searching as the system is intended. It's not me or the government, but our authorities who say this, says Mats Persson.

Looking for jobs in other municipalities

The intention is now that job seekers should look for jobs outside the municipality where they live or be prepared to retrain for other professions.

This can involve commuting to the neighboring municipality, says Mats Persson.

The regulations are already in place, but the Employment Service will now increase its control work, according to the government's decision.

The requirements are thus tightened for job seekers to receive compensation from the unemployment insurance. The increased control work will begin to apply from March/April, according to the Director-General of the Employment Service, Maria Hemström Hemmingsson.

Not everyone can move, but everyone can change profession. In plain language, this means that to be entitled to unemployment benefits, one may need to look for or accept other professions or in other locations than where one is, says she.

Applies from day one

If it is assessed that it is not possible to get a job within the region where one lives or in the profession one belongs to, the job seeker must be prepared to look broader from day one, emphasizes Maria Hemström Hemmingsson.

If the job seeker does not follow this, a warning or sanction may be issued from the relevant unemployment insurance fund.

The situation can be very dependent on where one lives geographically. How far should one be prepared to move?

What it means in an individual case is impossible to say. But it is entirely reasonable to start looking within commuting distance and in other professions, says Maria Hemström Hemmingsson.


By TTThis article has been altered and translated by Sweden Herald
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