During June and July, Systembolaget's sales decreased by two percent, compared to the same period last year. However, we have spent exactly the same amount of money as last year. This is because customers are buying more expensive products.
The last two years, we have seen a gradual increase in interest in slightly more upscale products, says Ulf Sjödin, purchasing manager at Systembolaget.
Pandemic Effect
For example, Systembolaget's temporary assortment, which is somewhat more expensive, has increased compared to previous years. And that is a pandemic effect, believes Ulf Sjödin.
During the pandemic, you didn't go to restaurants. So then you started spending that money on what you bought at home instead – to treat yourself. And then that trend continued.
Everything from beer and wine decreased in sales this summer, except for non-alcoholic beverages, which increased by five percent. And that was the only category that increased.
It's also an international trend. That more people drink non-alcoholic beverages sometimes when they go to parties, even though they're not teetotalers.
"Prices Have Gone Up"
What decreased the most was sparkling wine and rosé wine, which fell by seven percent and six percent, respectively, compared to last year.
It's primarily the sparkling wine that Ulf Sjödin thinks stands out.
We see a small trend break for sparkling wine. It has increased for many years, almost every year, but it's decreasing now.
The reason for this, Ulf Sjödin believes, is primarily the price.
Prices have gone up more among sparkling wines than among other wines. It's primarily champagne that has increased in price.
It's because there's a limited production, and then they can sell it to other markets. So then they raise the price.