There are plenty of offers from the USA, but with the exception of a few films, Maribel Verdú has remained loyal to the Spanish film and TV industry.
The feelings I have inside me, I cannot express in another language, she tells TT.
Right now, she is current in the Spanish TV series "When no one sees us". It takes place in the city of Morón de la Frontera during Easter week, when the annual procession of Semena Santa takes place. Verdú plays a police officer who leads the search for a young boy who has disappeared.
Missing Soldier
At the nearby American military base, they are searching for a missing soldier. Slowly, they begin to realize that these disappearances may be connected.
The procession and all the preparations were real. The weather was so bad that they had to cancel Semena Santa. Everyone was so sad that there was no religious celebration. So now they did everything for us, they staged the celebration for our recording. So it couldn't be more realistic, Maribel Verdú explains.
I'm not the least bit religious, but seeing this procession was fantastic. So now this year I'm going to go with friends to Sevilla to see it.
Maribel Verdú has an impressive CV, but few action roles. She laughs.
I'm not good at it, but here it was fun. The director finally said, "now it looks like the gun is a part of you".
"Didn't Want to Go Out into the World"
She does many roles in Spanish TV series and has received many awards during her career, including at the Goya Awards. In 2025, she will also appear in a new version of Isabelle Allende's "The House of the Spirits". Her career could have looked different, the once-controversial "Your Mother Too!" made her a world name.
I didn't want to travel out into the world and work. I believe in fate, and maybe I'm happier now than I would have been if I had taken the opportunities. It's been 24 years, I'm still here and I'm working on good projects and enjoying what I do.
One can say that "Your Mother Too!" changed her life, she states – and yet not.
Now I'm going to do a new TV series directed by Félix Viscarret, who did "Patria" a few years ago. It's the best time for Spanish TV right now.
Name: Maribel Verdú.
Age: 54 years.
Family: Husband Pedro Larranaga.
Lives: In Madrid.
Occupation: Actress.
Previous roles: In numerous Spanish TV series, "Your Mother Too!", "Tetro", "Pan's Labyrinth", "The Flash".
Currently in: "When no one sees us" streaming on Max.