In connection with a report submitted to the government, Director-General Martin Holmgren points out that the number of places in remand prisons and prisons should increase from today's approximately 11,000 to 29,000 by 2034, and that probation and transportation services should also expand.
For 2027, the Prison and Probation Service is requesting an increase of SEK 1.6 billion, and for 2028 an increase of SEK 5.8 billion.
By the end of 2025, the possibilities for further denser occupancy in the country's prisons are expected to be largely exhausted. Thereafter, various property projects will be needed.
The expansion plan up to 2034 currently includes approximately 45 ongoing property projects, and around 30 different projects where the possibilities of conducting prison and probation services are being investigated, according to a text on the Prison and Probation Service's website.