The now deceased billionaire was accused in a BBC documentary last September of several cases of rape and assault. BBC had then spoken to over 20 women who worked at the department store Harrods from the 1980s onwards.
As early as 2008, allegations against al-Fayed emerged. Both in 2009 and 2015, the prosecutor received evidence from the police against the billionaire – but no charges were brought.
The investigation will now examine whether the police made mistakes or missed opportunities "to correctly investigate these allegations made in 2008", says the investigation leader.
Over 100 women have contacted the police claiming to have been victims, and the police are currently investigating 21 allegations against al-Fayed.
Mohamed al-Fayed, who died in 2023 at the age of 94, was a prominent figure in British business life through the venerable department store Harrods. He gained attention in connection with his son Dodi al-Fayed's relationship with the British Princess Diana. They were killed in the same car accident in 1997.