The Government extends the council against organised crime.
Justice Minister Gunnar Strömmer (The Moderate Party) believes that the council has been important during a period when the Government has revamped its criminal policy and appointed several inquiries to, among other things, toughen penalties.
"Month by month, new legislation and more effective tools for combating crime are now being put in place. The need for the Government, authorities, and other actors to maintain pressure in the fight against organised crime is great," he says in a written comment.
The council was established in December 2022 and has so far held ten meetings. They have, among other things, dealt with the wave of violent crime, children being drawn into gangs, illegal weapons, and how organised crime infiltrates society.
In addition to the Justice Minister, the council includes the National Police Commissioner, the Director of Public Prosecutions, the Director-General of Customs, and the Directors-General of the Economic Crime Authority and the Tax Authority.
The council is being extended for a further 18 months.