In the 2025 budget, support for those exposed to prostitution is strengthened by 10 million kronor. This is to enable individuals who want to leave prostitution to receive the protection and support they need.
"Women on the run are particularly vulnerable to exploitation and risk being forced into prostitution," says Migration Minister Maria Malmer Stenergard (M) in a comment, highlighting the work against human trafficking.
The pressure on support lines for victims of violence is extremely high, and many who call never get through. Especially during nights and evenings, many hang up before they get through in the queue.
To strengthen the support lines, the National Centre for Women's Safety (NCK) at Uppsala University, which operates the Women's Safety Line, among other things, will receive 7 million kronor per year for the years 2025 to 2027.
The government will present the entire budget proposal for 2025 on September 19.