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Person found dead by the roadside – E6 blocked

» Published: December 10 2024

Person found dead by the roadside – E6 blocked
Photo: Björn Larsson Rosvall/TT

A person has been found dead by the roadside on E6 at Falkenberg, the police write on their website.

We receive an alarm at 12.03 that someone has seen a person by the roadside. It turns out to be a deceased person, says the police's press spokesperson Fredrik Svedemyr.

According to Hallands Nyheter, it is about an elderly woman who has been found dead.

The body has injuries. Where they come from, we are investigating now, says Ulrica Strömkvist, police area manager in Falkenberg, to the newspaper.

How the woman died is still unclear.

At present, we see no signs of stab or gunshot wounds on this person. How she was injured, whether it's an accident or a crime, and how long she has been lying there dead, the investigation will show, says Ulrica Strömkvist.

The police and ambulance are on the scene, and the motorway is currently blocked. Meanwhile, traffic is being diverted via the Falkenberg traffic junction.



By TTThis article has been altered and translated by Sweden Herald
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