The company Matpriskollen has previously gathered the various campaign offers from stores in its app. Now, regular prices will also be able to be compared in what they call the "price check".
It puts the consumer in a completely different position, says Matpriskollen's CEO Ulf Mazur.
By increasing transparency, one can increase competition.
The price information – for 50,000 items – is primarily retrieved from the chain stores' online stores, which have the same price in-store. This applies to the chains Ica, Coop, Willys, City Gross, Hemköp, and Lidl.
It's a challenge, not all prices are available for all stores. This is step one, says Mazur.
By scanning the item's barcode, the price for the corresponding item in other stores will appear. It is also possible to use the app at home. If the price for an item is not available in one's store, the most common price for the item in the current store chain will be displayed.
One wants to be able to compare prices better as a consumer, says Mazur about the background to the initiative.