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National Center Proposed to Investigate Suicides

A national center that investigates suicides, not least among children. This is proposed by representatives of the Suicide Analysis Inquiry on DN Debatt.

» Updated: October 01 2024

» Published: September 30 2024

National Center Proposed to Investigate Suicides
Photo: Claudio Bresciani/TT

Larger investments in preventive measures have not reduced the number of suicides. Annually, over 1,200 people choose to end their lives, but only one in ten suicides is investigated – and primarily within psychiatry.

"This despite the fact that there may be other underlying explanations than psychiatric conditions, such as traumatic life events or economic vulnerability", they write.

The debaters, who have been assigned by the government to investigate how utilized experiences can lead to better prevention, propose the establishment of a center for national suicide investigations.

The center is proposed to be established in the summer of 2026 and will be under the auspices of the Public Health Agency. The task will be to systematically analyze suicides and research to provide a basis for suicide-preventive measures in various social areas.

Furthermore, it is proposed that the center should investigate all cases where a child takes their life.

"To nationally investigate all suicides among children also sends an important signal that society must do more to understand when and how we can make a difference", they write.

In acute situations or when having thoughts of suicide, always call 112.

You can turn to the following if you're feeling unwell:


Suicide Zero – suicidezero.se.

Spes – the national association for suicide prevention and bereavement support. spes.se.

BRIS – children's rights in society. bris.se.

Save the Children – raddabarnen.se. Also for parents.

Anonymous alcoholics – aa.se.

On-call friend – receives calls from children and young people up to 25 years old. jourhavandekompis.se.

On-call fellow human being – can be reached at night on 08–702 16 80.

Friends – friends.se.

1177 – healthcare guidance and information about the nearest psychiatric emergency department. 1177.se


By TTThis article has been altered and translated by Sweden Herald

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