Reports of the phenomenon come from, among other places, Halland, Skåne, and the Stockholm area, report several media outlets.
However, it has also been seen at various locations around Europe. On Space X's account on X, users in Slovenia, Poland, Italy, the UK, and Ireland have posted pictures of the light phenomenon.
What lies behind it is not yet known, but one explanation could be the launch of a new Space X rocket.
A similar phenomenon with a blue spiral was seen over Alaska two years ago. The spiral was then said to have been caused by excess fuel from a Space X rocket that was launched.
When it happens at high altitude, the fuel turns into ice. And if it happens to be in sunlight, while it is dark on the ground, you can see it as a kind of cloud – sometimes spinning, said space physicist Don Hampton then to The Guardian, reports Expressen.
Just a few days ago, another light phenomenon was seen in Sweden. It was eight bright streaks moving across the sky. It turned out to be satellites from Space X.