Musk went out on Friday on X and accused the British leader of not having managed to get "rape gangs" convicted in court during his time as Attorney General, according to Musk a "huge crime against humanity".
In a long series of posts, Musk also attacked Jess Phillips, minister responsible for reducing violence against women. She "deserves to be locked up" for having refused to initiate a public inquiry into sexual abuse of children in northern England, abuse that shook the country when it became known over ten years ago.
Wes Streeting says to TV channel ITV that the government takes sexual abuse of children extremely seriously and that Musk's accusations have no basis in reality. He is, however, open to cooperation with the billionaire, despite the latter demanding a new British election.
Elon Musk has a major role to play with his social media platform (X), and he could help us and other countries tackle this serious issue.
So if he wants to work with us and roll up his sleeves, he is welcome.
Praised right-wing extremists
Musk, who is close to the future American President Donald Trump, has been criticized in recent weeks for having praised right-wing extremists, not least in Germany.
In his new outbursts, he continued on that path and demanded that the well-known British right-wing extremist Tommy Robinson, who is imprisoned, be released. Robinson was convicted "for telling the truth" about the abuse, according to Musk, but Robinson is convicted of contempt of court.
This was also acknowledged by Nigel Farage, leader of the right-wing populist Reform Party – the same Farage and the same party that Musk, according to news agency AP, wants to give 100 million pounds, equivalent to nearly 1.4 billion kronor.