A majority in the EU Parliament supports opposition candidate Edmundo González Urrutia as the rightful president of Venezuela.
In a non-binding resolution on Thursday, the EU is simultaneously urged to do its utmost to enable him to take office as president in January.
The resolution simultaneously creates significant internal friction in the Parliament, as the Christian Democratic conservative right-wing group EPP has chosen to cooperate with the three far-right party groups to get it approved.
"This is nothing but a betrayal", says Swedish member Emma Wiesner (C) on X, for example.
The vote count was 309 votes in favor, 201 against, and 12 abstentions. Among the Swedes, SD, M, and KD voted in favor, while S, MP, and V were against. In the liberal RE group, which includes C and L, all but one member chose not to vote at all, in protest against EPP.