"We have long since adjusted to name changes when they are made officially by authorities", Google announces via social media.
The company clarifies that the decision for Google Maps applies to the USA and Americans. Donald Trump's decision applies to American authorities and causes headaches among, for example, map manufacturers and news media who need to take a stand.
"Another long-standing principle: When official names differ between countries, Maps users will see the names that are officially local to them. Everyone else in the rest of the world will see both names. That applies here too."
North America's highest mountain also gets an old-new name in Google's map service. The mountain peak in Alaska officially changed its name to Denali in 2015, the name the indigenous people had called it for centuries.
It had then officially been called Mount McKinley since 1917, after the former President William McKinley, who was murdered in 1901. Now the mountain is renamed after him again. Also on the orders of Donald Trump.