In a study at Uppsala University, researchers in collaboration with Chalmers University of Technology have investigated 14 different types of coffee machines in break rooms at Swedish workplaces. The results show that the levels of cholesterol-raising substances were much higher than in ordinary coffee makers with filters.
"For heavy consumers who drink coffee every day, it is clear that brewed coffee or other well-filtered coffee is preferable," says research leader David Iggman at Uppsala University in a press release.
According to Iggman, the levels of cholesterol-raising substances vary between different types of coffee machines. It is also impossible to say how the levels may affect the blood lipids of coffee drinkers and the potential risk of future cardiovascular disease. To be able to do this, a controlled study of test subjects who drink the coffee is needed.
It has been known since before that boiled coffee contains high levels of the substances cafestol and kahweol, which increase the amount of LDL cholesterol in the blood – sometimes called "the bad cholesterol."
The study is published in Nutrition, Metabolism & Cardiovascular Diseases.