Khelif was superior from start to finish, and the judges were unanimous in all rounds.
Thus, the 25-year-old took her first Olympic Games gold in her career.
The reason Khelif has been so debated is that she was disqualified at the World Championship last year in a gender test after, according to the International Boxing Federation, having shown both X- and Y-chromosomes, which, according to the genetic setup, usually applies to men.
Since then, her participation in the Olympic Games has been heavily criticized, but the IOC's chairman has consistently stood by the decision to let Khelif participate.
It is totally unacceptable. We will not participate in a politically motivated cultural war. We have two women who are born women, they have grown up as women, they are women in their passports, and have competed for many years as women, he said at a press conference.
Khelif herself has also spoken out, trying to calm the storm of criticism.
I send a message to all people in the world to uphold the Olympic principles and the Olympic rules – stop bullying athletes. It has effects, big effects, said Khelif according to AP.