1. Antiques (SVT1, Thursday) 1,212,000
2. Champions of Champions (SVT1, Sunday) 1,160,000
3. Let's dance (TV4, Saturday) 988,000
4. The Wall (SVT1, Friday) 924,000
5. Dream Homes (SVT1, Monday) 907,000
6. Carina Bergfeldt (SVT1, Friday) 848,000
7. Biathlon, World Cup (SVT1, Sunday) 833,000
8. Sweden's Master Chef (TV4, Wednesday) 738,000
9. Best in Test Special (TV4, Friday) 670,000
10. Postcode Millionaire (TV4, Friday) 662,000
Measurement period 17/3–22/3 2025. No news programs, "Sportnytt" or programs under ten minutes are included on the list. Source: MMS.