The heavily criticized system began to be introduced in the Västra Götaland region, among other places at Södra Älvsborgs hospital in Borås, in mid-November.
Just three days later, the region pulled the emergency brake due to, among other things, technical problems and protests from healthcare staff.
On Tuesday, the consulting firm KPMG, which was commissioned to conduct an external review of the failure, presented a preliminary report.
Ready in March
However, the company could not provide any concrete information yet.
They've been working on it for three and a half, four days only. So right now, they're gathering all the underlying data, says Helén Eliasson.
But it feels like their plan is in line with the initiative we've taken to have an independent review.
The next step is a meeting with the regional board on December 17. The review, which is estimated to cost 3.7 million kronor, will not be fully completed until mid-March.
"Do it properly"
This means that the restart of Millennium – or the introduction of another joint journal system for the region's 49 municipalities – will not happen until then, admits Helén Eliasson.
That's how it is. The assessment is, of course, that now we're going to do this independent review, she says.
We, of course, want it to happen quickly, but we have to do it properly, so that we can provide correct information to our residents about what has happened, but also to Region Skåne, which is also going to use this system.