On January 6 this year, a powerful detonation occurred at a property in Önnered, causing extensive damage. Two months later, another powerful detonation occurred at an apartment building in Västra Frölunda, resulting in extensive damage. A few minutes later, another explosion occurred at another apartment building just 22 meters away.
In total, 205 people were affected. The convicted individuals, who deny any wrongdoing, are to pay damages of approximately 3.5 million kronor to the plaintiffs, according to local media reports.
One 19-year-old, who was involved in all the explosions, was sentenced to 12 years and four months in prison. He was convicted of three counts of aggravated general endangerment, aggravated crime against the law on flammable and explosive goods, two counts of assault, and aggravated weapons offense.
The other man drove the 19-year-old to and from Västra Frölunda. He was sentenced to nine years in prison for aiding and abetting aggravated general endangerment and aggravated crime against the law on flammable and explosive goods.
According to the verdict, there are clear links between the events and are considered part of an ongoing gang conflict.