Ebba Busch
Germany on Busch's outrage: "Depends on Sweden"
Ebba Busch (Christian Democrats) is "crazy about the Germans" due to the high electricity prices, she expressed on Thursday. Now Germany is striking back.
Busch on Electricity Prices: Does Not Rule Out Support
The electricity prices have risen sharply in recent days and among the opposition, there is sharp criticism of the government's handling of the electricity system. Minister for Energy and Industry Ebba Busch (Christian Democrats) does not rule out support to households – but not right now.
Kristersson on electricity prices: "tough times"
The Social Democrats are directing harsh criticism towards the government's handling of the electricity system and the promised lower electricity prices that have failed to materialize. Now, Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson (M) is hitting back.
Fashion Expert: Sober and Understated
Sophisticated, stylish and relatively subdued. This is how fashion expert Frida Zetterström describes Queen Silvia's and Crown Princess Victoria's dresses.
Kristersson cancels South Korea trip: "Surprised"
Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson was to meet South Korea's President Yoon Suk-Yeol on Friday. But since the country has been plunged into political chaos, the trip is cancelled.
Unclear if Kristersson's South Korea visit will take place
Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson is in Japan and had planned to visit South Korea together with three other ministers on Thursday. After a military state of emergency has been introduced in South Korea, it is unclear whether the visit can take place.
Busch in Brussels: Support for European Batteries
Ease the regulatory burden and promise to support battery manufacturing in Europe. This is what Minister of Trade Ebba Busch (KD) is pushing for in Brussels to indirectly support the struggling Northvolt.
Åkesson: Total Stop for Citizenship
The Sweden Democrats want to see a total stop for new citizenships pending the introduction of new, stricter rules for citizenship, writes party leader Jimmie Åkesson in a debate article in [Aftonbladet](https://www. aftonbladet.
The Green Party reports Ebba Busch to the Constitutional Committee
The Green Party reports Energy and Enterprise Minister Ebba Busch (KD) to the Constitutional Committee since she in an interview urged the Migration Agency to slow down the issuance of new citizenships, writes [Aftonbladet](https://www. aftonbladet.
Busch: Review the Right to Vote for Immigrants
The CD leader Ebba Busch wants to review the rules for who gets to vote in Swedish elections, she says in an interview with Aftonbladet. She believes that the boundary needs to be tightened for those who are not Swedish citizens.
"Growing Problem of Gangs Infiltrating Politics"
That criminal gangs infiltrate politics is an increasingly large problem, according to the police and Säpo. They try to exploit every vulnerability, both with insiders and infiltrators, says National Police Commissioner Petra Lundh.
Surprised by the SD's statement: "Not political"
The SD party accuses the Swedish Committee against Anti-Semitism (SKMA) of being a political actor, following criticism that the party ignores anti-Semitism within its own ranks. The accusation surprises Chairperson Ulrika Knutson.
S Leader: Establish Good Relations with Trump
The Social Democratic Party's leader Magdalena Andersson (S) urges the government to now work hard for good relations with Trump. .
The government stops 13 offshore wind farms
The government says no to 13 offshore wind farms in a large part of southern and central Baltic Sea. The reason is that the Defence Forces see great risks in the work of defending Sweden if the turbines are built.
Alarms: Environmental Requirements Threaten Sweden's Green Metals
Sweden's large deposits of critical metals are an important piece of the puzzle in the EU's green transition – but today's regulatory framework threatens the extraction. Now, the Swedish Geological Survey (SGU) is sounding the alarm to the government.
The Minister is Reported to the Constitutional Committee for Approving Increased Herring Fishing
Rural Affairs Minister Peter Kullgren (Christian Democrats) is reported to the Constitutional Committee by the Social Democrats for having approved doubled fishing quotas for herring in the central Baltic Sea. Christian Democrat leader Ebba Busch calls the new quotas a "catastrophic decision".
Busch on Vattenfall's signals: Ominous
Vattenfall has warned that another wind power project, Kattegatt Syd, may need to be paused. A bad message, according to Energy and Enterprise Minister Ebba Busch (Christian Democrats).
Busch Rejects Congestion Fee Revenue for Offshore Grids
It is not possible to use bottleneck fees to subsidize the connection fee for offshore wind power, according to the government. It does not comply with the regulatory framework, says Minister for Energy and Industry Ebba Busch (CD).
New Alarm about the Power Cables: Think Again
The business community is sounding the alarm once again about serious consequences if the state does not take on the cost of power cables for offshore wind power. The government needs to rethink, says Johan Trouvé, CEO of the West Swedish Chamber of Commerce, to Dagens industri.
The opposition: Expand the main grid at sea
A united opposition is pressing the government: Build the power cables to offshore wind power now. Svenska kraftnät should be tasked with using the tens of billions that are lying idle on an account, according to the Social Democrats, the Left Party, the Centre Party, and the Green Party.
Vattenfall is hesitant about wind power project
After the decision to pause the wind power project Kriegers Flak, there is now a risk that Vattenfall will be forced to wait with Kattegatt Syd off Falkenberg as well. This is stated by Vattenfall's CEO Anna Borg.
Busch: Lower Electricity Bills This Winter
Minister for Energy Ebba Busch (CD) says that the forecast indicates lower electricity prices in winter – despite the new model for electricity transmission. It's very positive, she says.
The Climate Minister is Reported to the Constitutional Committee: "Downplaying Emissions"
Climate and Environment Minister Romina Pourmokhtari (L) is reported to the Riksdag's Constitutional Committee by the opposition parties S, V, and MP. They are obscuring how emissions can develop going forward, says Elin Söderberg, climate policy spokesperson for the Green Party.
Ebba Busch: We Must Be Smarter
Sweden needs to be more open to state aid and joint efforts in the EU to protect Swedish business interests, notes Energy and Trade Minister Ebba Busch (KD). However, she still says no to acute funding for Northvolt.
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