New Zoom trick gets millions rolling in
In the American election campaign, large campaign meetings held via Zoom have attracted more than a hundred thousand participants. Now, Swedish parties are looking at the phenomenon with envy.
Chief Prosecutor Takes Over Criticized Authority
Chief Prosecutor Lise Tamm becomes the new Director-General of the Equality Ombudsman. .
New Swedish yes to "chat control"
Sweden has once again said yes to the controversial EU legislative proposal "chat control". But the road to a finished law is still long and uncertain.
Kristersson on Jomshof: "No opinion"
Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson (M) says he has no opinion on Richard Jomshof returning to the Riksdag's Justice Committee. The Social Democrats and the Green Party, on the other hand, stand firm that Jomshof is unfit as chairman.
Damberg: The Budget is a Mockery of Ordinary People
The government's budget benefits high-income earners the most – something that is being criticized by the opposition. This is not only an insult to ordinary people but also bad for the Swedish economy, says Mikael Damberg, the Social Democrats' economic policy spokesperson.
The Culture Budget is Slagged: "Devastating Dismantling"
Scandals, cold showers, and devastating dismantling. This is how the opposition and cultural representatives describe the government's cultural budget for next year.
Israel boycott can be gross misconduct
A preliminary investigation into gross misconduct has been initiated following Gothenburg City's decision to boycott purchases from Israel, reports [P4 Gothenburg](https://sverigesradio. se/artikel/politiker-i-goteborg-misstanks-for-brott-efter-israel-bojkotten).
Highest Support for the Green Party in Several Years
The Green Party is moving forward in [Dagens Nyheter](https://www. dn.
Social Democratic Profile: Hard to Understand Demands for Shortened Working Hours
Shorter working days or not? The question has, among other things, been picked up by the Social Democrats, who propose a 35-hour workweek. Lars Stjernkvist, former party secretary of the S, questions the demands for a generally shorter working time.
Court stops Gothenburg's Israel boycott
Gothenburg City's boycott of goods from, among others, Israel violated the law, according to the Administrative Court, and revokes the decision. It is regrettable, says Municipal Councilor Karin Pleijel (Green Party).
Pen Trolls and Bickering – Debates We Remember
Today, the first party leader debate of the autumn is being held in the Riksdag. Few debates linger in the memory, but TT has gathered a few that have done so.
Reality has caught up with the government
The opposition welcomes the government's proposal to support municipalities that build wind turbines. Reality has caught up with the Sweden Democrats and the government in one area, says Fredrik Olovsson (S).
A Mockery of Swedish Healthcare
The opposition is criticizing the government's healthcare funding. It is not an investment, but a budget cut.
Art taken down at healthcare center following SD demands
The Sweden Democrats have demanded that two Andy Warhol prints of Mao Zedong and Lenin be removed from the walls of a healthcare center in Sjöbo. Now, Region Skåne has decided that the works should be removed, reports Skånska Dagbladet.
The Opposition: Favors Those Who Earn the Most
Most to those who already have and crumbs to the rest. The Social Democrats, the Left Party and the Green Party are not unexpectedly critical of the government's and the SD's budget proposal with lowered taxes on wages and savings.
Volvo defends new targets: "2030 is just a figure"
Adjusted financial target and scrapped electric car target. Despite this, there is no crisis at Volvo Cars, the company claims – instead, the car manufacturer has been forced to adapt to an uncertain market.
The Opposition: Which Planet Are They On?
The opposition is deeply critical of the government's announcement to abolish the flight tax. It is an extremely irresponsible climate policy, says spokesperson Amanda Lind (Green Party).
The Sweden Democrats are Backing Down and the Social Democrats are Increasing in New Poll
The Sweden Democrats' (SD) party leader Jimmie Åkesson is holding his traditional summer speech on Saturday at Slottsudden in his hometown of Sölvesborg. The day before, the party is backing down in a new voter survey, while both the Social Democrats (S) and The Moderate Party (M) are increasing.
Proposal: Abolish Dairy Cows' Right to Green Pasture
Dairy farmers' right to graze on pasture in the summer may be abolished. It increases competitiveness and profitability, says the government's investigator Elisabeth Nilsson.
Lower Confidence in Party Leaders
None of the party leaders have gained increased confidence from the Swedish people during the summer, according to Novus' latest measurement made for [TV4 News](https://www. tv4.
"Not enough to reach the climate goals"
The opposition believes that the government is fudging the numbers regarding the effects of the increased reduction obligation. The higher level will not lead to Sweden achieving the EU's climate goals by 2030, according to the Green Party's spokesperson Daniel Helldén.
NMR leaders in chat about killing Strömmer (M)
Members of the Nazi Nordic Resistance Movement (NMR) write in an internal chat group, which Aftonbladet has taken part of, about killing Justice Minister Gunnar Strömmer (The Moderate Party). .
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