Living in Sweden
The Green Party reports Ebba Busch to the Constitutional Committee
The Green Party reports Energy and Enterprise Minister Ebba Busch (KD) to the Constitutional Committee since she in an interview urged the Migration Agency to slow down the issuance of new citizenships, writes [Aftonbladet](https://www. aftonbladet.
Tent camp in Gothenburg forced to leave
The tent camp outside Gothenburg University is to be dismantled. This is clear after The Liberals in Gothenburg applied for a permit for a public gathering at the site.
The Green Party: Intensive discussions about government cooperation
The Election Campaign 2026 and future party collaborations are already a hot topic, according to the Green Party's spokesperson Daniel Helldén. Intensive discussions are underway about future government collaborations, he says.
Svantesson: No Exceptions to the Budget
No exceptions – not even for nuclear power. This will be the main rule when Sweden switches from surplus targets to balance targets in the state budget in three years, according to Finance Minister Elisabeth Svantesson (The Moderate Party).
"Grow up!" - Crisis and Anger over Next EU Leadership
Political crisis threatens in the EU when the parliament's party groups cannot agree on the next EU Commission. The takeover may be delayed until 2025 – and make the far-right a part of the majority.
V-leader: Trump is an indecent bully
The Left Party leader Nooshi Dadgostar calls the USA's future president Donald Trump "an unscrupulous bully". Even the S-leader Magdalena Andersson warns of what can happen now.
Kristersson: No special Trump talks
The S-leader Magdalena Andersson and the MP's spokesperson Daniel Helldén want the government to invite to party leader talks to handle the question of Donald Trump as new American president. But Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson refers to talks in the Committee on Foreign Affairs.
Court: Illegal Power Shift in Botkyrka
The shift in power in Botkyrka municipality last year broke the law, according to the administrative court. The ruling, M-led coalition will appeal the verdict.
Setback for Roswall in the EU - has to wait for a decision
Jessika Roswall will have to wait until Wednesday to find out if she is approved as the new environmental commissioner in the EU. The criticism is strong after Tuesday evening's hearing – and the Left Party wants to see her replaced.
"Monster Work" gets the go-ahead from the government
The Government says yes to a new sea-based wind farm on the west coast. Locally, The Moderate Party has warned that such "monstrosities" will lead to a "Liseberg at sea".
The Wind Power Industry: "Extremely Surprising"
A deathblow. Four lost years.
S-message: Cooperation with V - if they clean up
The Social Democrats can cooperate with the Left Party – but it requires the party to "clean out" signs of anti-Semitism. As soon as there are any anti-Semitic tendencies, one should clean them out, says S-top Morgan Johansson.
As the climate policy: Like a farce
The Climate Policy of the Government Parties receives harsh criticism from parts of the opposition. The Social Democrats call it "a farce".
V: Netanyahu's genocide must be stopped
The opposition directs harsh criticism towards the government in a parliamentary debate about the Middle East. The right-wing extremist Netanyahu's genocide must be stopped, says the Left Party's foreign policy spokesperson Håkan Svenneling.
The MP on Emissions: The Minister is Not Taking Responsibility
Emissions have increased, new statistics show. The Green Party now wants to know if the Minister for Climate is considering resigning.
Persson (The Liberals): "Privatization went too far"
Private employment agencies cost more but did not provide better results, shows a new report. Minister for Labour Market Mats Persson (L) is self-critical.
Massive criticism of EU's fishing decision: "Death sentence"
Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson (M) regrets the EU's decision on increased herring fishing in the Baltic Sea. He receives support from both C, MP and the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation.
The opposition: Expand the main grid at sea
A united opposition is pressing the government: Build the power cables to offshore wind power now. Svenska kraftnät should be tasked with using the tens of billions that are lying idle on an account, according to the Social Democrats, the Left Party, the Centre Party, and the Green Party.
Double Herring Fishing in the Baltic Sea: "A Death Sentence"
The criticism is severe when the herring and sprat quota is doubled in the central Baltic Sea next year. The sea is on the verge of collapsing, warns former Environment Minister Isabella Lövin (Green Party).
The Government: We are pushing for low fishing quotas
Rural Affairs Minister Peter Kullgren (Christian Democrats) says that the government is pursuing a restrictive line for fishing in the Baltic Sea when the EU's fisheries ministers meet on Monday. But the opposition is strongly critical and believes that the stock of herring can collapse.
Magdalena Andersson dismisses internal criticism: "A minority"
A victory day for The Social Democrats, thinks party leader Magdalena Andersson about Thursday's broad agreement on a balance target in the state's finances. The internal criticism within the party only constitutes a small minority, according to her.
The LO Criticizes Agreement on Surplus Target
The agreement on the abolished surplus target in the state's finances is met with criticism from trade union quarters. The Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO) wants to see a larger scope for government borrowing – and the Building Workers' Youth Union is directing demands for resignation towards the Social Democrats.
Agreement on abolished budget target – provides 25 billion
Six of eight parties in the Riksdag agree to abolish the so-called surplus target and instead introduce a balance target for the state's finances in 2027. This would provide approximately 25 billion more for budget investments for future governments.
Broad support for abolishing the surplus target
Six of eight parties in the Riksdag, with 90 per cent of the votes, agree to abolish the so-called surplus target and instead introduce a balance target for the state's finances. We have landed very well, says Finance Minister Elisabeth Svantesson (The Moderate Party).
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