The ban on diesel and petrol cars in a smaller zone in Stockholm city was to be introduced at the turn of the year. But in November, the County Administrative Board stopped the decision pending further notice due to appeals.
The companies and private individuals who appealed believe, among other things, that the decision violates the law, has not been made in a lawful manner, and that the Municipal Council lacked the authority to make it. This is now being dismissed by the Administrative Court.
"The Administrative Court finds that it has not been shown that the Municipal Council's decision violates the law. There is therefore no reason to revoke the decision," says Chief Judge Eva-Lotta Hedin in a press release.
Review by the County Administrative Board
The decision does not affect the parallel process that is ongoing at the County Administrative Board. While the Administrative Court has reviewed the Municipal Council's decision, the County Administrative Board is reviewing the local traffic regulation that governs the zone.
"As soon as the County Administrative Board says yes, we will announce a start date. The ambition is to open the environmental zone in the spring," says Traffic Commissioner Lars Strömgren (Green Party) in a press release.
M: Can be appealed
The Moderate Party hopes that the struggle will continue.
"It is possible to appeal the zone to the next instance. I want to see an inhibition as long as possible – with the goal of letting the voters have their say in the 2026 election," says Opposition Commissioner Dennis Wedin (The Moderate Party) in a written comment.
The environmental zone covers 20 blocks and is located within Kungsgatan, Birger Jarlsgatan, Hamngatan, and Sveavägen. Only electric cars and low-emission gas vehicles will be allowed there, and for heavy traffic, also low-emission plug-in hybrids.