On Thursday and Friday, it can get up to 15 degrees warm along the Småland coast. Additionally, the forecast indicates weak winds and good chances of sunshine.
It's the edge of a high-pressure system coming in from the southwest, bringing in really warm air, says Kjell Lund.
In southern Sweden, it can reach 10 degrees in many places, and in the Stockholm area, it can reach 10 to 12 degrees.
Southern Norrland can also expect milder temperatures.
You can say that it will be mild in at least southern and central Norrland. Further north, a couple of precipitation areas will pass through, which can bring some snow. At least the Norrland coast will get plenty of plus degrees.
Is it unusual for it to be so warm at the beginning of March?
It happens. Usually, it's a bit later in March, but it's still the first spring month, so it's not extremely unusual.
Towards the weekend, it doesn't look like it will be as sunny, and at the beginning of next week, colder temperatures are expected. In southern Sweden, they can drop to around five degrees. The fluctuation in temperature is also not unusual, according to Kjell Lund.
That's how it is. It's a game and a battle, he says.