In total, 3.7 million calls were made to SOS Alarm in 2024. This is a slight decrease compared to previous years – but within two areas, a significant increase is seen, according to the fresh figures in the annual 112 report to be submitted to the government.
"Alarming increase"
SOS Alarm notes that calls regarding serious crimes increased, for example, 673 cases involved explosions, which is interpreted as people being more willing to call 112 when they see or hear something suspicious.
The calls about suicide also increased, by as much as 30 percent.
Nearly 25,000 calls were made to SOS Alarm with threats of taking one's own life.
It is alarming that it has increased so much in such a short time, says SOS Alarm's chief physician Fredrik Jonsson.
The increase only applies to those who have called in with a poor mental state. Many times, it is a cry for help. There is likely a dark figure here as well.
The dark figure Jonsson refers to concerns how the calls are reported. If a person commits suicide by taking pills, it is reported as pill poisoning, as it is crucial for the ambulance to know this.
Study initiated
According to Jonsson, it is difficult to answer why the calls about suicide threats have increased so much.
We do not know what it is due to, there may be several factors. It may be that there is a widespread poor mental state in Sweden, it may also be that there is a greater awareness of seeking help. It is no longer as shameful. We take these figures very seriously, as they concern thousands of patients.
To gain a better understanding of why the suicide calls are increasing so drastically, SOS Alarm, likely the first alarm center in the world, will initiate a study on the calls. The study, conducted in collaboration with Lund University, will last for four years.
The calls just keep increasing and we do not understand why. We want to understand how we can help this group better. We want to gain an understanding of what characterizes those who are doing so poorly, are close to taking their lives, and contact us, says Fredrik Jonsson and continues:
Lund University will also help us with our conversation methodology, what is good and what may be less good.
In acute situations or when thinking of suicide, always call 112.
You can turn to the following if you are feeling unwell:
Suicide Zero –
Spes – the national association for suicide prevention and aftercare.
BRIS – children's rights in society.
Save the Children – Also for parents.
Anonymous alcoholics –
On-call friend – receives calls from children and young people up to 25 years old.
On-call fellow human being – can be reached at night on 08–702 16 80.
Friends –
1177 – healthcare guidance and information about the nearest psychiatric emergency department.