After sharing an Oscar for the animated short film based on the song "Happy Christmas (War is over)" Sean Ono Lennon is Grammy-nominated for an elaborate collection box (the most expensive version costs around 15,000 SEK) that he has produced based on John Lennon's album "Mind games" from 1973.
With inspiration from his mother's art, Sean Ono Lennon has added art, hidden music, video, messages, and puzzles, some visible only in ultraviolet light.
He used the original recordings and chose, among other things, to emphasize other instruments – all to get a warmer and more direct sound, more like the one on "Plastic Ono band" – John Lennon's first album after the breakup of Beatles.
What else can I do to show love and reverence for my father than to take care of his music with incredible precision? I can't think of a better way, other than taking care of my mom, which I'm also trying to do, says Sean Ono Lennon to AP.