It should be generous. This is a step in lowering the thresholds to the museum, he says to TT.
The National Museum's "ultimate goal" in the coming years is to become relevant to more people in society, according to Amsellem, who, among other things, hopes to initiate collaborations with organizations that gather young adults to attract new audience groups.
We will work with an elevated atmosphere, it should not be like you come to the museum and everything is just as usual.
The encounter with art remains in focus, but the social aspect will also become an important part of the activities on Thursday evenings, including through live music.
A few years ago, the newly renovated museum was severely affected economically by the so-called cost-rent model and was forced to make painful cutbacks despite increased funding. However, the Thursday initiative is being made within the existing budget framework.
This is something we prioritize. In our role as a public national art institution, we must have room to work in a generous way.