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Investigation into new work environment strategy launched

» Updated: July 16 2024

» Published: June 05 2024

Investigation into new work environment strategy launched
Photo: Jessica Gow/TT

More people died in workplace accidents in 2023 than in any other year in the past decade. The government believes this trend must be reversed. Therefore, Håkan Olsson has been appointed as a special investigator to draft a new workplace strategy.

Olsson, who is a special advisor at the Work Environment Authority, will analyze the current workplace strategy's goals and assess whether they need to be adjusted. The investigation must be completed by June 11, 2025 at the latest.

"Today's working life is characterized by a range of external changes and factors. Work-related stress, remote work, and digitalization, crime and workers' vulnerability, the green transition and the effects of climate change, as well as internationalization are all factors that affect working life. We need a new workplace strategy that has a clearer focus on these aspects," says Jämställdhets- and Deputy Labor Market Minister Paulina Brandberg (L) in a press release.


By TTThis article has been altered and translated by Sweden Herald
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