"Blind Track" begins under a raging snowstorm, where a train on its way from Stockholm to Narvik collides with an avalanche. The passengers are forced to take shelter at an isolated mountain hotel, where a series of mysterious murders take place.
The temporarily suspended police officer Hanne Wilhelmsen begins to investigate the murders with the help of the doctor Magnus, played by Pål Sverre Hagen.
Several Whodunits
This is not the first time Ida Engvoll has done a whodunit series – among other things, she has played the title role in TV4's film adaptations of Åsa Larsson's book series about the lawyer Rebecka Martinsson. And working with a book as a basis has its challenges.
As an actor, I have access to a lot of material that doesn't fit into the script, and that gives me meat on the bones, which is wonderful. At the same time, I can't take responsibility for the image readers have had of the main character beforehand, she says.
Engvoll, who in recent years has been praised for her roles in "Love and Anarchy" and "Our Time is Now", describes working with crime series as different compared to pure drama or comedy series.
It's a completely separate work process. In "Blind Track", I'm playing a character who is already very popular and well-read. It's about starting from scratch, in the individual universe you find yourself in with just those conditions, that director, and that photographer.
Holt's Approval
Anne Holt's book "1222 over the Sea" came out in 2009 and has since become very popular in Sweden. The fact that the Norwegian bestselling author liked Engvoll's portrayal of the novel's heroine "meant a lot".
It would have been really tough if she had distanced herself from my interpretation. I'm glad she thinks I've found a tone that resonates, says Engvoll.
She believes that puzzle mysteries are so popular among the audience for several reasons.
We live in such violent times. Yet I think there's a need to be entertained in a moderately exciting format. A little light-hearted mode, that's what I think we need.
"Blind Track" premieres on Prime Video on January 24.
Directed by: Erik Skjoldberg ("Occupation", "The Battle for Narvik").
Script: Sara Heldt ("The Murders in Sandhamn", "A Pilgrim's Death"), Erik Skjoldberg.
Starring: Ida Engvoll, Pål Sverre Hagen, Kjell Bergqvist, Sissela Kyle, and others.
Length: Four episodes.
Premiere: On Prime Video on January 24, 2525.
Age: 39 years.
Family: Boyfriend and child. The dog Siv.
Lives: Hälsingland.
Occupation: Actress.
Background in selection: "Rebecka Martinsson", "A Man Who Is Called Ove", "Our Time is Now", "Bonus Family", and "Love & Anarchy", "A Part of You".