The matter concerns an explosion that occurred in the spring of 2024 in Gothenburg. A suspected person is detained and during the investigation, the prosecutor has requested that Göteborgs-Posten submit a list of which subscribers read an article about the explosion between two clock times.
It concerns information about names, personal identification numbers, registered contact information, and IP addresses used at the time, writes Dagens Juridik.
According to Göteborgs-Posten, it affects over 100 customers, and to protect their integrity, the newspaper suggested that they could provide information about the individuals the prosecutor might be interested in. However, this was rejected with reference to the secrecy of the preliminary investigation.
According to the court, the information can be assumed to be of significance as evidence in the case, which concerns serious crime, and the district court has therefore decided that the newspaper must submit the entire list. There is a significant public interest in the crime being investigated, and therefore, the prosecutor's interest "weighs significantly heavier" than that of the subscribers, the district court believes.