In tomorrow Wednesday, Google will update the Android operating system for all with a Pixel 4a phone. But the update comes with a warning: Some will get worse battery capacity and charging, writes the company itself in a post on its website.
As a plaster on the wounds, those affected are offered up to 100 dollars, or the equivalent in local currency, to either replace the battery or buy a newer Pixel phone. Via the website, it is possible to see if one's phone risks being affected.
The 4a model was launched in 2020 and was discontinued by Google two years later in favor of newer models.
That tech companies offer customers compensation for problems that arise during software updates of "old" devices is a rarity.
There are no secure figures on how many Pixel 4a phones are still in use, either globally or in Sweden. It is also not certain that Google's money offer will be available in Sweden.
TT has sought Google for a comment, their Swedish press department refers to the post on the website and has otherwise "nothing to add".