In the Media Academy's annual ranking of the most popular Swedish posts on social media, the account "Sweden's funniest kids" takes both first and second place for the most liked posts on Instagram.
The account's most popular post has received 4.9 million likes and features a baby moving its crib on its own. The second most popular post has nearly 1.5 million likes.
A post about making your own ghosts out of balloons for Halloween takes third place. Generally, DIY content is popular in the app, writes the Media Academy.
On Tiktok, the account "fuskbyggis" has the post with the most likes, 8.3 million. The account "tacobejb" has the second most likes on the app, 5.4 million, for a post involving a lightning strike and a toy bow.
While Tiktok has a younger audience, Facebook reaches entirely different age groups, writes the Media Academy. Here, a humorous post from a small company in Östergötland, DMS Entreprenad, unexpectedly takes first place with 1 million likes. The post shows a man in a workshop spraying fire between a colleague's legs.