Food prices increased by 3.9 percent in February, according to the latest figures from SCB. The opposition is now demanding that the government does more to curb the price increases.
This is very, very serious, says Magdalena Andersson (S).
Here, the government needs to act. We have for a long time presented a long range of proposals on how to increase competition on the food market and the grocery market and put pressure on the food giants.
"Must act"
Left Party leader Nooshi Dadgostar is also sharply critical.
This is a robbery. The food giants continue to raise their prices, which in turn forces up interest rates. It destabilizes the entire Swedish economy, she says.
The government and the Sweden Democrats must now act to break up the oligopoly on the food market. It is large giant companies that have so much power that they can set any prices they want, which they also do.
The government will now call on the parties in the food chain for talks about the rising prices. The meeting is held by Finance Minister Elisabeth Svantesson (M) and Rural Affairs Minister Peter Kullgren (KD).
"The purpose of the talks is to create a dialogue, listen to the industry's assessment of the situation and work together for lower prices for food customers", the government writes in a press release.
"A marking"
In recent times, a planned boycott of the food giants next week has grown larger via social media, among other things.
Nooshi Dadgostar is one of those who will participate.
I will boycott Ica, which is the largest actor. It is one thing you can do. But you can also boycott all food giants and try to support your local retailer, she says.
Or, as I have heard many say, use what is in the pantry. You need to have food in your stomach, but this is a marking against the food giants and the government to lower prices.