Eddie quickly discovers that he was lured into the vehicle by the car's owner, a mysterious sociopath played by Anthony Hopkins who tortures criminals and taunts them over the car's loudspeakers with the intention of teaching them the consequences of their crimes.
This was a very lonely experience for me since it was just me and a camera for most of the film, stuck in this damn car, says Skarsgård in an interview with Entertainment Weekly.
Skarsgård spent 19 days of filming alone in the car and had to endure a range of physical challenges as his character is subjected to electric shocks, dehydration, shots, cold, and overheating – all while Hopkins' voice is droning over the phone.
I really missed my co-actors because so much of what I love about acting is dancing with a scene partner. But it becomes a little dance towards the end with sir Anthony Hopkins, which was definitely an incredibly cool experience, says Bill Skarsgård.