In a Christmas speech, Dadgostar paints a bleak picture of the situation for young adults:
I know so many young people who want nothing more than to get a job, get their own home, build their own future. They do everything they can, but they are stuck between youth and adulthood.
The Crisis Commission should be tasked with analyzing the problems and presenting sharp proposals for how to remove the obstacles for young people, she believes.
The housing shortage, high unemployment, and the feeling of an uncertain future also affect the willingness to have children, says Nooshi Dadgostar, pointing to the low birth rates. Sweden can once again start talking about a "crisis in population issues", she believes.
Having children or not should be up to each individual to choose. The role of politics is to remove obstacles and create opportunities, says Dadgostar.
She does not think that Sweden is doing so today.
It goes without saying, if you don't have a home, it's hard to feel like you want to start a family. If you can barely afford the rent for the apartment you live in, it's harder to feel secure and let your family grow. It doesn't have to be that way.