The brutal Russian war of aggression in Ukraine has shown that certain activities require more personnel beyond what is needed in peacetime, says Minister for Civil Defence, Carl-Oskar Bohlin (M), at a press conference together with Health Minister Acko Ankarberg Johansson (KD) on Thursday.
Therefore, it will now be a fast track for the issue, continues Bohlin.
The healthcare system will need more personnel if it is to be able to take care of thousands of wounded in the event of war. Therefore, the civil conscription within healthcare must be activated, the ministers announce.
It is primarily licensed professions that need to be reviewed to ensure what competencies exist and where they exist, according to the Health Minister.
More than 13,000 nurses have left the profession in recent years and are working in other activities, and they may be possible for civil conscription. We need to look at how refresher and further education for them can be designed, says Acko Ankarberg Johansson.
The National Board of Health and Welfare is now tasked with analyzing and assessing what measures are necessary to introduce a system of civil conscription within healthcare.
The National Board of Health and Welfare must submit a final report on the assignment by November 28 this year, but as early as June 17, an oral partial report will be submitted to the Government Offices.