Swedish cross-country skier Max Novak has reported a death threat to the police, which he received on social media after the Birkebeiner race in Norway last weekend. The race ended with Novak getting into a fight with a local skier.
I've never received anything like this before. But this was very specific and it felt like the person had knowledge of Ski Classics (the long-distance skiing cup). You can see what it says in the comment. It still felt unpleasant, so we chose to report it to the police, says Novak to SVT.
Novak was in the running for victory, but on the final stretch, he clashed with Norwegian Ole Jørgen Bruvoll. The Swede was then disqualified after pushing Bruvoll after the finish line.
Despite the police report, Novak feels no fear.
Not directly. Most likely, it's just a net troll, but I was still advised to make a report.