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Poor orange harvest threatens breakfast juice

» Updated: July 16 2024

» Published: June 01 2024

Poor orange harvest threatens breakfast juice
Photo: Nora Lorek/TT

The price of oranges is already at a record high – and now the harvests in Brazil are expected to be smaller than expected. This means that juice manufacturers are considering replacing oranges in juice with mandarins or other fruits, according to The Guardian.

The harvests are decreasing in several countries as a result of the citrus greening disease that is killing the oranges, which is causing prices to skyrocket.

The disease, also known as yellow dragon disease, hit Brazil hard due to extreme heat and drought during the blooming period of orange trees at the end of last year.

An organization for the juice industry (IFU) is now considering pushing for food regulations to be rewritten so that orange juice can also contain other citrus fruits.

The Swedish Juice Association has previously warned that the orange shortage can affect the availability of orange juice on store shelves.



By TTThis article has been altered and translated by Sweden Herald
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