Why we cannot specify more at present is because the extent of the injuries is so great, says Roberto Eid Forest, chief of the local police district Örebro.
The police do not disclose the age of the deceased.
They are working on identifying those who were killed. There are currently no suspicions that it is a terrorist crime. The suspect is believed to be one of the dead.
The police believe that the person acted alone.
We still believe that we have the primary perpetrator, even though we do not rule out more with connections.
The suspected perpetrator was previously unknown to the police and has no connection to any gang.
At present, we feel safer that no more attacks will occur.
Several investigative measures are being carried out, mapping of this person, witness interviews, plaintiff interviews.
The schools that were previously occupied have been evacuated.
They are working on the shooting as a special incident, and the police are receiving support from other police regions.