Gothenburg City is gearing up outside the main entrance of Old Ullevi to make way for a new work of art: "Urd, Skuld, and Verdandi – the Norns' Gate".
"It's about time the city showcases women in public art, sports, and in this case, football, which is such a large and important part of our city," says Bettan Andersson, Chairman of the Board of Got Event in a press release.
The work is created by Camilla Akraka and Linnéa Jonsson and will be inaugurated in October. It consists of three tall football players stretching their arms upwards towards a gold-glinting ball, as a tribute to the women's national team's achievements. The ball is guarded by three smaller figures, a kind of primeval creature.
The statue depicting football icon Gunnar Gren, by artist Jan Steen, will be temporarily relocated but will return once the ground work outside Old Ullevi is completed.