The Government is setting up a new inquiry to examine how the Insurance Agency and the Pensions Authority can improve their checks – and thereby stop more fraud and incorrect payments, reports SR Ekot.
Among other things, the inquiry will look into how AI can be used so that the authorities do not miss information that already exists internally. It will also examine whether the authorities should have the right to obtain bank statements and population registration data from the Tax Authority.
We see a great need given the extensive benefit fraud that exists in Sweden, says Social Insurance Minister Anna Tenje (The Moderate Party) to the radio.
Last year, the Insurance Agency reclaimed 850 million kronor that had been paid out incorrectly, but the Government estimates that as much as 15–20 billion kronor is paid out incorrectly every year. Half of that is believed to be benefit fraud.
The inquiry is to be completed by 1 November 2025.