Walking has long been known to have many health benefits. Previous studies have shown links between the number of steps taken per day and a reduced risk of heart disease and premature death.
However, walking also seems to have a positive effect on mental health and reduces the risk of developing depressive symptoms.
Lower risk of depression
In an article recently published in the journal Jama Network Open, researchers have reviewed existing research in the field, based on data from nearly 96,000 adults who have used some form of pedometer over time.
When all the data was analyzed, the conclusion was that the positive effects on mental health increased the more steps people took. Taking more than 7,500 steps per day, for example, was linked to a 42 percent lower risk of having depressive symptoms.
But you don't need to take long walks to enjoy the benefits. Even taking 5,000 steps reduced depressive symptoms, and increasing daily walking by just 1,000 steps also had benefits for mental health.
The chicken or the egg
The researchers note that it is difficult to know what comes first. It is not possible to rule out that those who are mentally healthier walk more and that it is not the walks that make them feel better, but rather the other way around.
However, they believe that walking is likely to contribute to well-being.
Our study provides further evidence that being active is an effective strategy for preventing depression, regardless of intensity or type, says Bruno Bizzozero-Peroni at the University of Castilla-La Mancha in Spain, one of the researchers behind the study, to CNN.
Being physically active is associated with many positive health outcomes. One way to measure if you are physically active enough is to count the number of steps per day using a pedometer in your mobile phone.
The recommended number of steps per day for different age groups is:
Children 4-6 years: 10,000-14,000
Children 7-12 years: 10,000-15,000
Teenagers: 10,000-12,000
Adults: 7,000-8,000
Older adults: 7,000-10,000
Source: The Public Health Agency